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Two Sephardic Fantasias for Viol Quartet (tTBB)

David Loeb 'discovered' Sephardic melodies nearly 40 years ago; a year later he wrote a piece for solo guitar based on Una Hija del Rey. Later he composed 'Six Fantasias on Sephardic Melodies' for solo bass viol. The fantasias in this new edition, for tTBB viols, are based on 'Como la Rosa en la Güerta, an elegiac song comparing the frailty of life to the brief existence of a rose; and 'Cuando el Rey Nimrod', a hearty reference to the Star of Bethlehem legend (first page shown above). The second bass viol part has some low As which can be played an octave higher on a six-string bass.

Our Price: $12.00

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